Hearing Test Price
A hearing test is a basic procedure that only takes a short while but gives us a complete picture of your ear’s health.
Adult Hearing Test for £30
The adult hearing test costs £30. It lasts around 30 minutes and provides an in-depth report on the health of the outer, middle, and inner ear.
If you're 60 years or older, we offer complimentary hearing tests at all of our clinics! Our professional team is here to ensure that your hearing health is well taken care of, and this free service is available to help you stay proactive.
Home Visits start from £95
If you can't visit our hearing test centre in Hertfordshire, we can come to you for a home visit and do the hearing test in your location, starting from £95.
The 6 stages of our test include:
- Extensive Medical History
- Otoscopy
- Video Otoscopy
- Full Hearing Assessment
- Explanation of Results
- Recommendation & Solution
What To Expect At Your Hearing Test
Extensive Medical History
Extensive information relating to ear health, hearing health and general health.
Look inside the ear with a medical instrument which will show the health of the ear canal and ear drum.
Video Otoscopy
Live video showing the inside of your ear including key points such as the ear canal and ear drum with a full explanation along the way.
Full Hearing Assessment
Pure Tone Audiometry with Air-Conduction and Bone-Conduction testing. Full spectrum of frequencies tested allowing us to understand complete hearing ability and location of hearing loss in the auditory pathway.
Explanation of Results
Your Audiologist will talk you through your hearing test results and will be able to diagnose and let you know what is causing your hearing problem.
Recommendation & Solution
We will recommend the best solution to you based on your test results.
We Are Open Late Evenings and Weekends
Free vs Paid Hearing Tests
There are 2 main reasons that you may wish to choose a paid hearing test over a free hearing test. First, when you pay for a hearing test you can be assured that a fully trained and experienced audiologist will be performing the test. Also, a paid test will be conducted in a fully sound-treated room or booth with multiple tests being performed to get a complete picture of your hearing and your ear's health.
Audiologists vs. Audiometrists
Both are healthcare professionals who seek to improve the lives of people with hearing loss however each has different qualifications and responsibilities. An audiologist specialises in medical assessment and management of hearing loss, identifying, treating, and monitoring disorders of the auditory and vestibular systems. However, audiometrists specialise in the non-medical assessment and management of hearing loss and have a reduced scope of practice compared to audiologists
Basic Vs Complete Test
A complete hearing test should offer Otoscopy and Pure Tone Audiometry with Air-Conduction and Bone-Conduction testing. The full spectrum of frequencies should be tested allowing for the understanding of the patient's hearing ability and location of hearing loss in the auditory pathway. A free hearing test is usually just a screening and it will be a quick 5 or 10 minute test that you will simply pass or fail.
A paid hearing test is usually performed in a sound-treated room or booth and is carried out by a fully trained and experienced audiologist.
Alternatively, a free hearing test can take place in a storefront, sound-treated room or booth and can be carried out by an audiologist, audiometrist, nurse, or hearing clinic receptionist.
Find Our Specialised Audiology Clinics
Explore our seven dedicated clinics, each uniquely equipped to provide exceptional, individualized audiology care tailored to meet your hearing and balance needs.

Types of Hearing Tests
We conduct different types of hearing tests to ensure we have a complete view of the status of your ears and whether you're experiencing hearing loss. Our hearing test includes the following:
Extensive Medical History
It is essential to create an extensive medical history to capture the actual state of your ears. If you've had any ear surgeries or are on medications that could affect your hearing and other functions of the ear, we should know about it. Creating an extensive medical history helps us determine whether your hearing could be at risk and provides the best medical intervention possible.
Video Otoscopy
Video otoscopy involves examining the ear canal using an otoscope. The otoscope provides bright light and magnification, making it easier for the clinician to observe the ear canal and tympanic membrane. By clearly seeing the ear structures, it is easier to check for damage and symptoms that may contribute to hearing loss, including impacted wax.
Otoscopy is a clinical procedure used to determine the structure of the ear. The test focuses on the external auditory canal, middle ear and the tympanic membrane. Our clinicians use this procedure as a wellness physical exam and the evacuation of specific ear complaints.
Full Hearing Assessment
A full hearing assessment includes several tests, which help to check your ability to hear various frequencies and speech in noise and assess your overall ear health. This extensive range of tests includes pure tone audiometry, which checks how loud different sounds need to be for you to hear them.
Explanation of Results
In addition to completing the hearing test in Hertfordshire, our clinician will explain the results using simple, easy-to-understand terms so you can understand how your ears are doing.
Recommendation and Solution
If the test uncovers any concerns, we can recommend solutions. Even if we don't find any challenges, we can also present you with recommendations on how to keep your ears healthy longer.
What To Expect At Your Hearing Test
A hearing test doesn't have to take over your life. It is a simple procedure that only lasts a short time. Here's what you should expect during your hearing test:
Extensive medical history
We will need extensive information about your ear, hearing, and general health, which is vital during the hearing test.
The clinician will look inside the ear with a medical instrument, which will show the health of the ear canal, ear drum, and other structures in the ear.
Video otoscopy
The clinician will also do a live video showing the inside of the ear. They will also provide a full explanation along the way.
Full hearing assessment
We will conduct various hearing assessments, including pure tone audiometry with AI conduction and bone conduction testing, to help us understand your complete hearing ability and the location of hearing loss in the auditory pathway.
Explanation of results
The audiologist will talk you through the hearing test results and will be able to diagnose and let you know what is causing your hearing problem.