It is estimated that over 11 million people in the UK have some sort of hearing loss which makes it the second most common disability. Due to hearing loss being categorised as an ‘invisible disability’ it can often go unnoticed. It is estimated that out of the 11 million people affected by hearing loss, 73% of these are 60 and over.

Is Your Mum Showing Signs Of Hearing Loss

There are a few signs to look out for to determine if someone is affected by hearing loss with some of the main ones including:

1) Turning up the TV to above ‘normal’ volume.
2) Difficulty following conversations
3) Muffling of speech and other sounds
4) Frequently asking people to repeat themselves
5) Avoidance of group conversations
6) Withdrawl from social settings.

What Is Age-Related Hearing Loss?

Also known as Presbycusis, age-related hearing loss occurs naturally with age. It is one of the most common types and usually will affect higher pitch sounds first before affecting the middle and lower sounds. Unlike sudden hearing loss, Presbycusis gradually gets worse over an extended period of time as someone ages, meaning the person being affected might not notice it straight away. People who have Presbycusis usually struggle to hear higher-pitched sounds such as their phone ringtone, microwave beeping or their young grandchildren.

Can You Test For Presbycusis?

The great news is that Presbycusis is identifiable. When you book in for a hearing test first the audiologist will check your ears with a otoscope just to see if there is any ear wax build-up or infections causing the hearing issues. If any of these are found then in most cases they can easily be treated which should improve your hearing. However, if there is no blockage or infections then the audiologist will continue to the hearing test which will determine the severity of your hearing loss. If the test results come back showing that you mostly struggle to hear higher-pitched sounds then this is a very good indication you have Presbycusis.

Dangers Of Leaving Presbycusis Untreated

With the natural ageing of the body comes complications. Some of the most common include cataracts and refractive errors, osteoarthritis, COPD, diabetes and dementia. Hearing loss, especially Presbycusis, often gets overlooked due to it being an invisible disability and the gradual nature in which it occurs. However, a study in 2012 by Johns Hopkins found that even mild hearing loss triples the risk of accidental fall. The study went on to show that for every 10 decibels of hearing loss, the risk of falling increased by 140%. As we age taking tumbles and falls becomes more dangerous due to being frail and multi-morbid, especially if the fall results in a head injury.


There is no cure for hearing loss, once your hearing has gone that’s it! This is why it is so important to take care of your hearing and to get regular checks, especially as you get older. However, if your mum does currently suffer from some sort of hearing loss London Hearing Specialist is here to help. No matter her lifestyle, we have a wide variety of different types of hearing aids to suit her. If you are concerned about your mother’s hearing or just want to book her a hearing consultation, get in contact with one of our friendly team today.