What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a common condition that usually causes ringing in the ears. However, the condition has also been described by people who suffer from it as also causing buzzing, roaring, hissing, whizzing and also whistling noises.

What Causes Tinnitus?

There are many causes of tinnitus which can include:

1. Ear infections
2. Excessive ear wax/ear wax blockage
3. Some diseases i.e. Meniere’s disease
4. Some medications (inc. including some antibiotics, anti-seizure medicines, and painkillers)
5. Age-related hearing loss
6. A head injury or a blow to the ear can cause the blood vessels in the inner ear to swell.
7. An acoustic neuroma
8. Exposure to loud noise
9. Stress or anxiety
10. Depression

Living With Tinnitus

Although there is no cure for Tinnitus there are ways in which you can better manage it. Strategies that may help include:

Keep A Written Log

Keeping a log can help you to know what tinnitus you are experiencing and what your triggers are. For example, some people have reported that certain drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, coke or energy drinks can make their tinnitus worse.

Avoid Loud Noise

Avoid loud noises that could damage hearing, as this could worsen your tinnitus. This means avoiding loud environments such as heavy machinery, aircraft engines, shooting ranges and concerts.

Quit Smoking

Smoking can make tinnitus worse in two ways. Firstly, It constricts blood flow to the sensitive nerve cells in the inner ear which can cause damage. Secondary due to smoking being a stimulant, smoking can actually make the ringing in your ears appear louder.

Eliminate Silence

Silence for many of us can be quite peaceful and relaxing. However, for someone who suffers from tinnitus, the opposite can actually be true. Try to add a little noise into your environment by playing some quiet music or the radio in the background. You could also try using a white noise machine that can replicate soothing sounds such as an ocean or waterfall.

Relax and Sleep Well

Tinnitus can be made worse if you are stressed. Therefore relaxation techniques (inc. Yoga, meditation) can help the brain to switch off the tinnitus signal. Also, try to get a good night’s sleep as sleep deprivation can make your tinnitus more severe.

Good sleep habits include :

1. Avoiding caffeine, smoking or alcohol in the evening.
2. Not “overdoing” things in the evening. Relax in front of the TV, rather than working, playing board games or puzzles which can be quite taxing on the brain.
3. Create a comfortable bedroom environment (inc. good room temperature and supportive and comfortable pillows).


As we all know exercising is a great way to stay fit and healthy however it is also a great way to help manage tinnitus. By helping to decrease your stress levels, improving sleep quality and mental wellbeing, regular exercise is highly recommended.

Join A Support Group

Joining a support group and talking with others who are also suffering can help you feel less alone. You may even talk to someone who experiences similar symptoms and learn new ways in which to help manage your tinnitus.

Wear Ear Plugs

There is a misconception that wearing earplugs after suffering from tinnitus is like closing the barn door after the horse has bolted but this can not be further from the truth. Listening to loud noises can make your symptoms worse for a short time. Even the sounds caused by your lawnmower or leaf-blower can be enough to trigger your tinnitus so make sure to use earplugs whenever possible around loud noises to keep your tinnitus to a minimum.

Speak To Your Doctor

There are other health conditions that can cause tinnitus such as high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, diabetes and thyroid disorders. Booking a consultation with your doctor can help to identify or rule out any other health-related issues which may be related to your tinnitus.

Book A Hearing Consultation Today

London Hearing Specialist is an independent, local hearing clinic based in London with multiple sites at Camden, Hampstead, Finchley, Marylebone and Ware. Book a hearing consultation today to receive an in-depth report on your ears/hearing health. Our full hearing consultation is much more comprehensive than the free hearing tests offered by high street companies and includes a Video-otoscopy, Pure Tone audiometry, and tympanometry tests.

We have managed to help customers treat their tinnitus that was caused by a bad build-up of ear wax. Once the blockage was removed many of our customers reported that their tinnitus had disappeared. Also for those customers whose tests revealed damage to the inner ears, we were able to help by providing invisible hearing aids which mask the internal ringing.