Why Microsuction Ear Wax Removal for Children?
Microsuction is one of the safest and the most comfortable methods to remove ear wax. It is a procedure that uses gentle suction to remove excessive or stubborn wax from the ears. Because no liquid or water is used in the procedure, it is comfortable and clean for the patient whilst also minimising the risk of damaging the ear drum. Microsuction ear wax removal enables the clinician to clearly see the ear canal and therefore the procedure is extremely safe.
Children's Ear Wax Removal Appointment Details
What to Expect at Your Ear Wax Removal Consultation?
Children's Ear Wax Removal Prices
Special Offer!
Children (Under 16) Both ears for just £95
If no wax is found, there will be a £30 charge for the consultation.
All appointments are carried out by fully qualified and registered healthcare professionals, who have carried out specialist training in child Microsuction ear wax removal.
Child Ear Wax Removal FAQ's
- How do I know if it is ear wax that is causing the problem?If you have not had confirmation that there is definitely excessive ear wax buildup, we will examine the ears to confirm this. If there is ear wax build-up, we are able to remove this within the same appointment by microsuction. If there is no wax, we only charge £30 for the consultation. We will offer you a kid's hearing test (£105) which includes a tympanometry to further investigate the reasons for your child's discomfort.
- Should I use olive oil drops before the appointment?Olive oil can be used a few days before your appointment to help soften the ear wax. It is not absolutely necessary and we can still remove ear wax from the majority of ears within the first appointment without the use of olive oil drops. If the wax is very stubborn and we are unable to remove it in the first appointment, we will rebook you for a free follow up within four weeks of your original appointment. Please do not use olive oil if you have a perforation in the ear drum.
- How long does the appointment take?The microsuction procedure itself will take between 5-10 mins. Occasionally it may take longer if the wax is very stubborn. For children, the appointment times will take between 15-20 minutes.
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Why You Should Have Your Child’s Ear Wax Removal
Having your child’s earwax professionally removed has different benefits. With our microsuction earwax removal, the process is quick, safe, and painless so your child doesn’t have to go through any more discomfort than they have to. Some of the other reasons for a child’s earwax removal in London include the following:
Improved hearing
Excessive ear wax can harm your child’s young ears and small ear canals. It can clog up the canal and lead to hearing loss.
With our microsuction earwax removal for children, we can safely remove the earwax and eliminate blockages in the ear canal without causing much discomfort in the child during the process. The process is completed quickly and safely without compromising the structure inside the ear to restore the passage of sound waves in the canal.
Prevention of ear infections
Your child’s ear is still developing and can be susceptible to ear infections when exposed to water, dust or dirt that finds its way inside the ear. Earwax build can also increase the chances of an infection in the ear because it provides the ideal conditions for bacteria to flourish and cause an infection. Microsuction earwax removal for kids can help clear the earwax and prevent infections.
Improve balance
Blockages in the ear canal can affect your child's balance because the ear plays a crucial role in maintaining balance in the body. Earwax buildup can cause various symptoms, such as vertigo and dizziness. Clearing such blockages can help restore balance and a more normal life.
Prevent earaches
Earwax buildup can cause earaches, which can cause severe pain for the child. The earwax can eventually harden and cause additional pressure and pain.
Using incorrect earwax removal tool like cotton swabs can worsen the condition and add to the pain by pushing the earwax farther into the canal.
When Should You Have Your Child’s Earwax Removed by an Expert?
Knowing when to seek professional intervention for your child's earwax removal is vital. It can avoid damage to the ear and cause undue pain for the child.
Many cases of earwax build-up can be effectively managed at home. However, some instances require professional attention. If your child has any of the following complaints, you should consider contacting our earwax removal for children in London clinic:
- Persistent ear pain, hearing loss and itching.
- Bleeding or discharge from the ear.
- Suspected perforation of the ear drum.
- Previous ear surgery or ear problems.